Are You Ready for Coaching? Take This Quiz!

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (“No, not at this time”) to 5 (“Yes, absolutely”): Am I ready to create more focus in my life and business? Am I ready to grow personally and professionally?

  • Am I ready to create more focus in my life and business?
  • Am I ready to grow personally and professionally?
  • Am I open to trying new ideas instead of continuing to do things that have not worked in the past?
  • Am I ready to create and clarify a compelling vision for my life and business?
  • Am I ready to take action on that vision?
  • Am I willing to stop self-defeating behaviors?
  • Am I ready to start managing my time and money effectively?
  • Am I willing to discover and change fears and beliefs that hold me back?
  • Am I ready to accept responsibility for my success and happiness in life?
  • Am I willing to do homework between my weekly coaching calls?
    Am I willing to make the time commitment necessary to make each coaching appointment, without distractions during the session?
  • Am I willing to invest time, money, willpower, and energy into taking better care of myself and creating the business and life I want?
  • Am I ready to create balance in my work and home life?
    Am I ready to create a great habit of self discipline?
  • Am I ready to act self-confidently?
    Am I ready to be self motivated?

Your Score

If your score is:

20 – 40: Take a look at yourself and your life, and ask yourself if you’re ready to create the life you want. What’s the first thing you’d like to work on?

40 – 60: You’re ready to take control of your life, your business and your personal success. A coach can help you create the strategy and actions for moving forward!

60 – 80: You’re probably already moving forward on designing the life and business you want and deserve. A coach can help you move across the finish line!